Before you even begin to think about your web design or call to actions, you need to determine if you are ready to begin developing website content.
We receive many inquiries from businesses that are just starting out. They have a product or a service and they are ready to launch their business. By meeting and talking with them we can quickly determine how developed their business is and what stage they are at in the process. For those that haven’t fully developed their strategy, we offer some helpful questions.
First, we ask our clients to start by thinking about the end. Where do you want to go? Then we follow up with a few questions to help clarify what needs to be accomplished to achieve the final destination.
Five questions we ask:
1. What are you trying to accomplish?
2. Why would people want to do that?
3. Who are the people that would want to do that?
4. What must your potential client know first?
5. How does the potential client view things?
By going through these questions, it will helps us and our client develop a solid strategy for selling to their ideal client. The answers to these questions will help them sculpt content, create solid call to actions, determine how to acquire these individuals and understand how to communicate with them.
Answering these essential questions helps us determine what kind of content needs to be included on a web site, how much content is needed, and how the content needs to be presented.
This not only applies to a website, but all digital media, including advertisements, social media, and any other platform that might include digital content.
If you are starting a business or have a need to redevelop your website, contact us today.