Web For Wells is a promotion we are running for mobile websites to help fund a well in India.
The Offer:
We are offering mobile websites for $325, which includes the first year of hosting/maintenance to the site. The cost annually is $120 for future years. Our goal is to build 18 mobile sites between now and July 25th, 2014. If we can accomplish 18 sites, we’ll be able to fund a new well for the children and people in India. Clean water is difficult to find in India, as it is in most third-world countries. We’re asking for your help to make this possible and you’ll get a rocking mobile site in the process.
Sign Up Now! or View some mobile sites we’ve created.
For several years we’ve been involved with a local non-profit, Children’s Relief International (CRI). We’ve helped host and plan local 5K’s, participated in fundraiser nights and traveled internationally to Mozambique, Africa to help build homes and further CRI’s work there. This year we’d like to help build a well in India at one of the CRI projects.
Why Mobile Sites?:
Mobile sites are becoming a more important part of the web makeup. Users are searching and using their mobile devices at an increasingly higher rate. The mobile web is growing eight times faster than the PD based web. Over half of web users are using a mobile device to screen sites in conjunction with a desktop or tablet. This means they are looking at sites multiple times on different devices. It is important that the user have a fluid experience from one device to the next.
In addition, Google ranks mobile sites separately from the desktop version. Pages and sites that are not mobile friendly or have poor mobile experiences will receive a lower ranking….ouch! How do you fix this? Develop a mobile site that allows the user to easily find information and is complete with all the search engine pieces need to make Google happy.
Here are some examples of mobile sites we’ve developed: